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16 October 2019

MEC Lehari Warns Motorist 'Watch-out And Carefully Negotiate the Newly Constructed Traffic Circle' On the R503 At Danville, Mahikeng

North West MEC for the Department of Community Safety and Transport Management pitched his expectations for the 2020 to 2025, a five (5) years plan. The Strategic Planning Session is ongoing at Stonehenge River Lodge in Parys, from 15th to 17th October 2019. The resolution of which culminates into clear and unambiguous as well as detailed Annual Performance Plans (APP) for each of the financial years.

These constitutes tasks, responsibilities, mandate and marching orders that the department undertakes to execute without fail.
These plans are supposed to be a concrete response to service delivery challenges identified by the communities and expressed well in community protest march demands, petitions, memorandums and concerns raised.
Mr Mokonyama, Department of Transport's section 100 (1) (b) Administrator for the department opened the three (3) day's session spoke of, "let's communicate more so that we ease our work. Social media platforms and groups must be used to share work related issues and must not be abused or used to attack others. Use the platforms to talk good about the departmental programs."

He challenged the department to be bold and find separate time and space to deal with NTI issues. He also urged the collective of departmental managers to ensure that they, "comply with the smart framework. We need to draft performance indicators and targets that subscribe to the 'smart principles'. The indicators and targets must be clearly Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-bound (SMART). Impressed Mr Mathabatha Mokonyama.

"Take things step by step. Firstly we do planning and budgeting are consumerate, hence proper planning is key. New approach to planning is based on impact. Impact is about bringing changes, hence I always insist that law enforcement must respond on time and be visible. Plan internally to change the life's of people out there. We must move away from setting merely identifying strategic goals and targets and focus on impactful service delivery. Performance monitoring and evaluation must be everyone's business and to that extent the department must be give support to the directorate, remarked MEC Lehari's when he addressed the combined collective of 113 departmental managers from head office, districts, weighbridges and traffic stations.

"Use the three (3) days accordingly and to the benefit of the communities we service. Your key focus for this session is to translate the seven (7) Presidential and Government priorities into tangible plans for the department. The following work principles should be entrenched if we are to achieve our mandate as a collective. First is consultation, which must be prioritised. Followed by communication, we must share information in time and effectively, hence we need a communication strategy for the department. Adhere to time-frames, especially ensuring that we sent reports to external bodies. We must enhance team work and stop delegating too much to the lower level employees." Concluded MEC Sello Lehari.

He went on to urge the department to assist its entity, the NTI as the shareholder, the emphasis is that the department should understand that the NTI challenges are departmental challenges and the department must find a way to assist the entity.

The following external and or intergovernmental bodies are expected or were in attendance of this marathon session. Many made presentations or inputs to enrich the department's discussions and resolutions. Statistics South Africa, Office of the Premier, Conquer Aviation, South African Police Service, SANTACO, Road Traffic Management Corporation, Auditor General of South Africa and Provincial Internal Audit.


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MEC Sello Lehari

HOD Ms Botlhale Mofokeng

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